Tuesday 9 March 2010

YKPA Bali - Our adopted charity

My co-producer and I have selected YKPA as the film's adopted charity. Some info on them here and here.

I know it was insane to be thinking about/working on this so early on. I get what some filmmaking buds were saying. We'd be able to contribute more later if we used this time to market the film. Instead, we searched and evaluated organisations we could support, read through mission statements and track records, etc. etc.

Maybe. But then...

It took YKPA a while to acknowledge our announcement that they had been "chosen". I found out later that at the time we sent them the email, they were busy helping a kid who needed an amputation.

It's never too soon. And while I still worry about our contributions being little and sporadic, I'm assured YKPA will make them count.


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